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1997 Festival

Here is a list of the speakers who appeared at the Wells Festival of Literature in 1997

Schools EventThe Little Angel Puppet TheatreTheatre
WorkshopHelen FrancesPoetry Workshop
WorkshopSue Ashbyradio drama
TalkJames CrowdenPoems of the Somerset Levels
TalkJo Betteylocal history - churchwardens
TalkSarah MaguirePoetry Please - LIVE
TalkClaire TomalinJane Austen
TalkJohn TydemanPlays with Voices
TalkPhilip Hooknovel - art world
TalkJohn BayleyArt of Reviewing
TalkDavid LodgePractice of Writing
TalkDavid CrystalDialect & Accent in England
TheatreRohan McCulloughTestament of Youth
TheatreGraham McTavish, Nick PaceVincent van Gogh