Talking about the Arctic… from the Arctic!
October 6 2021Jemma Wadham, scheduled to appear in Wells on the Cedars Hall stage on Saturday 23 October at 2pm, will now be speaking to us direct from where she is currently working – at the frontline of the climate crisis. In a development that perfectly illustrates the nature of the ground-breaking glaciology Jemma is undertaking in the world’s iciest landscapes, she finds it impossible to make the journey back from the glaciers in time to get to Wells for her talk. She has therefore agreed to speak to the Festival audience from her northerly ‘workplace.’ We are very grateful to Jemma for agreeing to speak in the middle of her award-winning research, and are confident that being so close to her beloved ‘ice rivers’ will add a powerful new dimension to her event.
You can find out more here about Jemma’s passion for glaciers, and buy tickets to hear her incredible stories.
If you can’t watch the event in person, you can always register to see it from the comfort of your own armchair. To watch Jemma’s event remotely, or any of the other 32 speakers, you will need to register first. Registration for each event is available on the website from Friday 8 October. Events are free to view but we would very much welcome donations so that we can continue to support local educational projects – a hallmark of our Festival since it began almost 30 years ago.