Dotting the i i i i i i i i i i i ….. And crossing the t t t t t t t
October 12 2022You’ve booked your tickets, double-checked the time your event/s
will start and googled how best to get to Cedars Hall!
What else is there?
Will there be any Covid restrictions at the Festival?
There are currently no special measures in place and no requirements regarding social distancing or mask-wearing. We want everyone to feel comfortable at all events. If you would prefer to wear a mask, please feel free to do so but it is not compulsory.
Does that mean the roving mic will be back so we can ask questions?
No and Yes. The email system introduced during Covid proved so successful we have decided to retain it. So remember your smartphone! You will then be able to submit questions to the speaker via the event Chair. Instructions will be displayed at every event and the login details will stay the same throughout the Festival.
I would like to attend an event but have not yet bought a ticket. Is it too late?
Unless an event is sold out, tickets will be on sale in the usual way* until 4pm the previous day. For events taking place at the weekend this is 4pm on the Friday. Any remaining tickets will then be on the door, on the day. Details of available tickets will be on a board in the Cedars Hall foyer. Cash only please
How do I apply for a disabled parking place?
We can allocate disabled spaces in the car park next to Cedars House on the Liberty. These are allocated at time of booking so please contact the box office as soon as possible if you need one: / 01749 834483
Will speakers be signing their books after the event? Where will the books be on sale?
The Waterstones pop-up bookshop will be open in Cedars House throughout the Festival. The speaker will be in the Blue Room, pen poised! Clear signs will point you in the right direction
I am attending a Literary Lunch and forgot to advise anyone of my dietary requirements
If you have a lunch ticket, please make sure the catering staff are aware of any special needs by informing the booking office as soon as possible: / 01749 834483
I have tickets for two consecutive events. Will refreshments be on sale at Cedars Hall?
The bar in the foyer will be open from one hour before each event. In the evenings, it will close when the last event starts. A selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, crisps, individual portions of cheese and crackers, cakes, chocolate and ice creams will be available during these times. In addition, soup and sandwiches will be available at the weekends
Are there any local restaurants offering a discount to Festivalgoers?
Several restaurants are offering a special Festival offer with a 10% discount to Festival ticket-holders. These are:
- Bishops Eye 01749 938180
- Kings Head 01749 939069
- Nosh-Stalgia 01749 670255
- Rugantino’s 01749 672029
Come before or after an event and remember
- ring in advance to book, asking for the Festival dining offer
- ensure everyone in your party wishing to take advantage of the offer has a ticket for the Festival
- and bring your ticket/s with you!